xtc tips

xtc with Ubuntu

A good guide to the installation of Ubuntu 24.04 Server can be found here.

xfreerdp parameters

Not all parameters of xfreerdp can be changed via input fields of xtc. Here is an overview of all parameters of xfreerdp. Please note: There are currently two command line interfaces. Read the Documentation.

Connect to Windows

  1. Click the "Config" tab.
  2. Select "RDP (xfreerpd)" as the connection.
  3. Click the "New Connection" button.
  4. Enter a name and address.
  5. For auto login enter the user login name and the user password or set the checkbox "System login".
  6. Enter a domain name.
  7. Choose a resolution and color depth.
  8. For better graphics output, select "hw" from "GDI" and set the checkbox of "Glyph Cache".
  9. Set the checkbox for "Ignore certificate".
  10. Don't set the checkbox for "Clipboard". Some applications have problems forwarding the clipboard.
  11. Click the "OK" button to save the connection parameters.
  12. For the Windows login use as additional parameter: /sec:tls
  13. Make sure that ping is allowed in the Windows Firewall. To activate the rule for Windows 10, see here.

Here are some tips to improve the performance of xfreerdp by Joe Fellner

  1. GFX settings for Windows 10: Select checkbox GFX or set the parameter /gfx:AVC444. This will set up an H264 video stream.
  2. GFX settings for older systems (Server 2012 R2): Select checkbox RFX

Redirect USB

To connect a USB stick, set this parameter: /drive:USB0,/media/usb0 Don't forget to choose "USB automount" in the tab "hardware".

Redirect Sound

With a Raspberry Pi 4 use these parameters for sound: /sound:sys:alsa,format:1,quality:high,rate:44100,latency:50

With a Raspberry Pi and xfreerdp Version 3 use only the sound parameter: /sound
To use a microphone, set this parameter: /microphone:sys:alsa,format:1,rate:44100

With Ubuntu use these parameters for sounds: /sound:sys:pulse,format:1,quality:high,rate:44100,latency:50
To use a microphone, set this parameter: /microphone:sys:pulse,format:1,rate:44100

Multi Monitor

xtc supports with the Raspberry Pi 4 the Multi Monitor Mode.
For xfreerdpd this parameter must be used: /multimon
Insert the parameters into the input field "Additional Parameters".

Redirect Webcam

Forwarding a webcam works with xfreerdp version 3. Please note that xfreerdp version 3 is still under development.
First, test if the webcam works with your local system: start a terminal and enter this command: guvcview
If the webcam is detected, the camera image is displayed and there are various setting options.
Please note: the microphone of a webcam is not forwarded to Windows.
These settings have worked with several webcams:

  1. Select the connection type "RDP (xfreerdp)."
  2. Select the webcam in the combobox "USB device".
  3. For better graphics output, select "hw" from "GDI" and set the checkboxes for "GFX", "RFX" and "Glyph Cache".
  4. Redirect audio: Use the /sound and /microphone parameters. See also section "Redirect Sound".
  5. Select "Version 3". Only xfreerdp version 3 supports webcam.
  6. A headset is used as the microphone: select the headset under "output sound" in the "Hardware" tab (In my attempts, I had to select "USB - Audio Device" as headset).

How to install OpenVpn on Raspberry Pi?

To establish a OpenVPN connection, you need a file in the ovpn format. An ovpn file contains all parameters to establish a VPN connection: target system, access information, key. Firewalls, for example from sophos, can create an ovpn file.

  1. Activate "USB automount" in the "System" tab.
  2. Insert the USB stick with the ovpn file into the Raspberry Pi.
  3. Click the button "..." in the "VPN" tab.
  4. Change to the folder /media/usb0 in the open dialog.
  5. Choose the ovpn file and click the "open" button.
  6. The file is copied to the directory "/data/vpn".
When you need aditional files:
  1. Click the button "Additional files" in the "VPN" tab.
  2. Change to the folder /media/usb0 in the open dialog.
  3. Select the file you need and click the "open" button.
  4. The file is copied to the directory "/data/vpn" on xtc.

xrdp is a free and open-source implementation of Microsoft RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) server that enables operating systems other than Microsoft Windows (such as Linux and BSD-style operating systems) to provide a fully functional RDP-compatible remote desktop experience. It works by bridging graphics from the X Window System to the client and relaying controls from the client back to X Window Server. The connection to an xrdp server is made with xfreerdp. Griffon's IT Library is a wonderful page with lots of tips and tools for xrdp. The examples were tested with Ubuntu 22.04 and Xubuntu 22.04.

Connect to a xrdp server

  1. Click the "Config" tab.
  2. Select "RDP (xfreerpd)" as the connection.
  3. Click the "New Connection" button.
  4. Enter a name and address.
  5. Choose a resolution and color depth.
  6. For better graphics output set the checkbox of "Glyph Cache".
  7. Don't set the checkbox for "Clipboard".
  8. In the input field "Additional parameter" enter: /relax-order-checks
  9. Click the "OK" button to save the connection parameters.

Enable sound witdh xrdp

  1. Download script from Griffon's IT Library. The script installs and configures xrdp for redirecting sounds.
  2. unzip the file: unzip xrdp-installer-1.4.9.zip
  3. After unpacking the file xrdp-installer-1.4.9.sh is available.
  4. Make the script executable: chmod u=+x xrdp-installer-1.4.9.sh
  5. Run as normal user: ./xrdp-installer-1.4.9.sh -s
  6. Reboot system.
  7. Connect to the server with xfreerdp. For the Raspberry Pi, use the parameters: /sound:sys:alsa,format:1,quality:high,rate:44100,latency:50 to redirect the sound. For Ubuntu use the parameters: /sound:sys:pulse,format:1,quality:high,rate:44100,latency:50

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